服务  创新  协作  规范   |

Our leaders together with Korea Investment specialists investigating the excellent to-be-invested projects in some cities

During 21-25th. Sep. 2006, assistant Chairman Mr. zhongge Yi accompanied Korea Investment specialists to investigate the excellent to-be-invested projects in Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Jiangxi and Heilongjiang

Accompanied by all officers from Xihuo District Nanchang, they are visiting updated and protected project in Wan Shou Gong Shopping Block Nanchang

Visiting China Zhongtai Holding Group in Zhejiang Yong Kang City (In their workshop)

They are visiting Nanjing Handson Science&Technology joint-stock Co. Ltd. Which is an excellent energy-saved lighting enterprise
(The Principal of them is introducing their company)

主办单位:中国中小商业企业协会 技术支持:北京农商互联科技有限公司
地址:北京市石景山区石景山路甲18号院 联系电话:010-82036381 82036388 82030467 (同传真) 邮 箱:zxsx@zxsx.org
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